
Personal Readings With John & Spirit

What is channelling?

Channelling is simply a bridge enabling us to communicate with spirits in the higher realms. You might prefer to think of it as accessing higher consciousness -- or what some call God, Great Spirit, or All That Is. 

Channelling can take various forms such as speaking, writing, painting, dancing, singing, etc. Whatever the form, the channeller is communicating directly with the realms of Spirit, with those beings of infinite love, understanding, and compassion.

What should I expect from a reading?

A private reading with John is much like an easy, free-flowing conversation with a delightful old friend or loved one. John's spirit guides will provide you with a different, higher perspective of your life, enabling you to more easily make the changes you've been wanting.

Their sole mission is to empower you. Not by telling you what to do -- that would disempower you. But simply by offering you an expanded view of who you truly are. You will see your life’s potential more clearly from Spirit's perspective. That higher perspective will make it far easier for you to make the best choices and to create the life of your dreams, to live your life with joy.

You should know neither John nor his spirit guides will tell your future. They're not fortune tellers. You have yet to create your future, and only you can determine what it will be. However, they do see trends or probabilities, and will show you those.

If you would like more information about John and his guides, you can read how it all started between them.

How can I benefit from a reading?

Are you feeling stuck in your life? Are you searching and yearning for your passion? Are you confused about which way to turn, which path to follow?
When you see yourself nonjudgmentally from Spirit's perspective, you’ll find it far easier to see yourself clearly, and with love. You will see you are neither "right" nor "wrong" -- you are just you. And that’s the beauty and power of this process -- you begin to see who you really are. And you begin to know you are a beautiful being worthy of love and abundance.

This is a time of transition on Mother Earth. And it can be a difficult time for all humans, including lightworkers. The energies are intensifying. The old ways no longer work. You need not look beyond the newspaper headlines to see that.

This is where John and his guides can help you. If you want to fully remember who you are, this is for you. If you want to re-claim your power, this is for you. If you want to live the rest of your life happily ever after, this is for you. 

That’s what this is all about -- remembering who you are, re-claiming your power, and living your joy.

What sorts of questions can I ask?

You can ask any questions you want. These are the main areas many people find they have concerns about:

●    Relationships, including romantic ones

●    Money and finances, other forms of abundance

●    Work/career

●    Physical body/health

●    Home

●    General sense of well-being

Another question of increasingly greater concern to people is all the intensity of the energies our planet is experiencing today. Some people are scared, some are confused, all are concerned. Though Spirit always says there is nothing to fear.

We urge you to spend some time, before your reading, thinking about the questions and issues that concern you most at this time of your life.

Make your questions as specific as you can.

Avoid asking broadly general questions. For example, "What can you tell me about my mother?" While there is nothing wrong with those sorts of questions, they usually don't result in answers you'll find satisfactory.

The more specific your questions, the more specific will be the answers you receive. General questions will get you only general answers.

Of course, underlying all other questions is the primary question, "Who am I and why am I here?"

What does it cost?

We offer several types of readings:

●    For a typical 45- to 60-minute session, the cost is $150.00 (in US dollars). Most people coming to us prefer this typical-length session. We do these sessions either by phone or you email us your question, your choice. If you wish to order a typical reading by phone, go here. If you want a typical reading by email, order it here.

●    We also offer abbreviated readings of about 20 minutes for $75.00 (in US dollars). You can order one of these here.

●    Whichever of the above readings you choose, we'll send you an MP3 recording.

●    We also offer 2 shorter, less expensive options where you can send us 1 question. Details here.

What's next?

After we receive your order, we'll contact you with scheduling information, including a date and time, and any other necessary details.

Finally, if you wish to order a reading and pay by check or money order, please visit this page and print it out. Then simply fill out the form and snail mail it to us.